Support for Israel


"Jordan is an unwavering advocate for the U.S.-Israel relationship. He also understands the critical impact that direct trade ties between Maryland and the State of Israel can have on our economy. Overall, one of the top reasons I came to work for him was because I saw an opportunity to help build up a candidate who will fight to maintain America's support for Israel in the decades to come."

Adam Beitman
Campus Communications Director,
AIPAC | The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, '11 - '12
Campaign Manager, Cooper for Maryland, '12 - '14

Maryland and Israel: Stronger Together

Foreign affairs fall under the purview of national politics, of the White House and Congress.  Nevertheless, I feel compelled to express my support for Israel, an issue that bridges the partisan divide and is a cornerstone of American foreign policy. Israel is our strongest ally in the Middle East. A bulwark of democracy and freedom in the region, it shares fundamental values and vision with the United States. An economic, military, and cultural partner across a wide range of enterprises, Israel must remain above the partisan fray. This support also demands that we recognize the needs of the Palestinians, and that the U.S. help bridge the gap between both sides to achieve enduring peace in the region.

I express my support for Israel here not simply because it is the right thing to do; it’s good for business. Israeli firms have set up shop in Maryland. These firms employ Marylanders. Trade with Israel provides a market for Maryland products, which supports our local economy. I am an unwavering advocate for strengthening the U.S.-Israel relationship and will communicate the importance of that relationship to our Congressional delegation as they negotiate the terms of American foreign policy.

Legislative Action Items:

  • Maintain funding for the efforts of the Department of Business and Economic Development, which attracts Foreign Direct Investment to Maryland.